
The .gy registry provides a public service to the local and international Internet community. Services include the provision of routing and administrative services for domain names registered with the .gy ccTLD.

Currently we allow registration of second-level domain names (.gy) and third-level domain names (;;; and  .gov .gy domain names are reserved for Guyana Governmental Departments, agencies and Programmes and domain names are reserved for educational institutions within Guyana.


Payment Options:

  1. Cash or cheque payment can be made at the Bursary, University of Guyana
  2. Cheques must be made payable to: Guyana Top Level Domain (.gy)
  3. For payment made at the University, please send an email with a scanned
    copy of the receipt to
  4. Payment can be made at the Demerara Bank Ltd
    AC#: 4016234; AC Name: Guyana Top Level Domain (.gy)
  5. For payment made at the Demerara Bank Ltd, please send an email with a
    scanned copy of the deposit slip to


Registration Process:

  1. Check the web link to see if the domain you want is available
  2. If the domain you want is available, then apply here:
  3. The .gy registry will then register your domain name within the shortest possible time


Communication with the .gy Registry

We prefer all communication with the registry be done via email (


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